Why would I consider a Massage?

A: Relaxation, stress relief, can decrease blood pressure.  Massage greatly effects your nervous system through stimulation of the sensory receptors.  Massage can reduce swelling and can improve blood circulation.  Massage has different effects on many of the12 systems in the body.  Massage has the ability to open up space within the body; which improves the flow of many of your bodily fluids.  In short, massage just plain, makes you feel better!


How do I know if a Therapist is right for me?

A: In the state of Ohio a potential Therapist should be state certified.  Should have at least 500 hrs of  bodywork experience in an accredited school.  You can talk with several Therapists prior to your visit.  Inquire as to what their expertise is centered around.  Get referrals from your friends (word of mouth can be a very powerful tool.)


Will my privacy be infringed upon and will I have to get undressed?

A: Getting undressed is a common concern among many first time clients.  Here at the "P  Touch," our clients have a private bathroom in which to get undressed.  There is always a clean, comfy robe for our clients to put on prior to walking out into the massage therapy area.  Our massage therapist  along with the rest of our team is completely professional at ALL times.  At all times during a session, the client is completely draped with a sheet.  This gives a privacy barrier between the client and the massage therapist.  The only time any portion of the anatomy is exposed, is if the area is being worked on.  If a client  should feel uncomfortable, please let our therapist know so that she can work with you to resolve the matter.


What parts of my body will be Massaged?

A: Here at The Power of Touch a full body massage the “ initial session” is very calming, slow massage; using primarily Swedish strokes. This includes: feet, legs, arms, hands, head, face, neck and back.  This helps the massage therapists to become familiar with the clients anatomy and then tailor the massage specifically for the individual.


What will I have to do in the Massage?

 A: When a client comes in for the initial session, the client is asked to fill out a complete medical history form.  Questions indicate any current medications being taken, any existing conditions, for example (high blood pressure, etc.)  We do this as a precautionary measure, primarily any time you are dealing with the human body, you must have as much information as possible; in the event the client has a condition that would be contradictory to massage.  The next phase is the client undresses and puts on a robe and gets onto the massage table.  Other than turning from one side of the body to the other, the therapist does all of the work.


How often should I get a Massage?

A: The normal duration is once per month.  However, if you hold a high-stress position or you have chronic pain, then you should receive a massage perhaps every two weeks.  We like to give our clients the freedom to make that determination in the quietness of their own heart.


The P Touch Therapeutic  Massage

7585 Wrenview Drive

Springfield, Ohio 45502


Email: info@theptouch.com